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Useful Page Navigation Shortcuts in Microsoft Word

To move Press
One character to the left LEFT ARROW
One character to the right RIGHT ARROW
One word to the left CTRL+LEFT ARROW
One word to the right CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
One paragraph up CTRL+UP ARROW
One paragraph down CTRL+DOWN ARROW
One cell to the left (in a table) SHIFT+TAB
One cell to the right (in a table) TAB
Up one line UP ARROW
Down one line DOWN ARROW
To the end of a line END
To the beginning of a line HOME
To the top of the window ALT+CTRL+PAGE UP
To the end of the window ALT+CTRL+PAGE DOWN
Up one screen (scrolling) PAGE UP
Down one screen (scrolling) PAGE DOWN
To the top of the next page CTRL+PAGE DOWN
To the top of the previous page CTRL+PAGE UP
To the end of a document CTRL+END
To the beginning of a document CTRL+HOME
To a previous revision SHIFT+F5
After opening a document, to the location
you were working in when the document
was last closed